
Playscheme at Readwell is an extension of our breakfast and afterschool clubs. It is for children of all ages from three to eleven and is open to children from any location in Northampton.

During sessions we offer a wide variety of equipment and activities including crafts, construction, games, imaginative play and exploration. We have access to a large outside area and the children are able to take part in physical activity both indoors and outside.

We believe that the children should be allowed to play in their own way without interference from adults and endeavour to do this as long as the play is safe for children present. In addition to the activities provide in Out of School, playscheme offer play opportunities throughout the day from 8am to 6pm during the school holidays and training days.

Each playscheme we offer the children different activities outside the setting (cinema, swimming, play days and sports.) Snacks and drinks are provided for the children during the session but parents are asked to provide a packed lunch.